php|tek09 Day #4

And so comes the final day of the 2009 php|tek conference.

And it starts just as usual with breakfast with PHP Peeps and off to see Sean Coates’ session on Tokens over RegExps. Which was a very interesting session showing diferent techniques to some usual problems we handle with regular expressions, and showing great stuff for handling PHP source code analysis, cool stuff. Following that it was a quick hop and Ben Ramsey was showing us the internals of the HTTP protocol. People should really know more about it and look more carefully at it, many of us misuse its codes and methods. I was also lucky and won a elePHPant at the end of the session by answering a question on the “100 Continue” status code.

Finally we got to the ending keynote, first listening to Marco and his amazing plans for Code Works, that will replace php|works and will travel through 7 cities in the US during a 2 week period, awesome time to life in the US. Following Marco Terry Chay took the stage, everyone was ready with their f-bomb counters up and waiting to see how Terry could blow us all away… and blow us away he did. Relating Chinese Proverbs (sort of) to modern culture and the future of PHP, Terry led us to think closely of the current crisis and how PHP can com through for us.

Now we had time for some lunch and i joined the great company of Cal Evans, Ligaya, Travis Swicegood, Clark Everetts, Frozen, well you get the picture, we had a great lunch going from politics to IDE, to OS wars.. lots of fun.

After lunch i grabbed a bit of all the unconf talks, like Skoop and Kerry, his myth-busting partner. But the highlight was getting in some great covnersations with everyone before leaving, great to see everyone’s interest in Brazil and our growing community ( ). So it ended, got back to the room packed and moved bak to O’Hare, where i met Spoons and Eli White before catching my flight.

Overall result? Awesome conference, great for getting in touch with the PHP people and to find out how to give back to the community, hanging out with anyone of these guys can inspire you to be so much more than you are and givin back to the PHP community, the whole event was one big reunion of all diferent ways you can do it. It was an honor and pleasure to meet all of you, or see the ones I had already met again, each one of you has inspired me in a diferent way or given me an ideia or two, and i will be bogging about this later on.

Till next time! Tek-on! :P

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