dmsAutoComplete v1.1 - ChangeLog

Recently I published an updated version of my auto-complete (Google suggest) script compatible with IE and FireFox and based on PHP/AJAX.

After publishing version 1.0, I had some feedback from people who downloaded an tested it, so now I decided to correct some of the bugs that were found, and make a few improvements also. So now I’m going to publish version 1.1, check out some of the changes I made.

FIX: Pressing TAB/ENTER with nothing selected returned an error message Always when TAB/ENTER was pressed without any list item selected an error message was returned because the script couldn’t find the value it expected to find, this issue was resolved by adding a flag that made the script ignore this command in this case, causing it to just hide the div.

if ( != undefined){ me.acChoose(; }

CSS: FireFox showed no linebreaks Who tried out my script in FireFox noticed that sometimes the list appeared on a single line, with no line breaks between the items, a simple change in the CSS style of the LI element resolved the problem

#acDiv UL LI{ display:block;}

FEATURE: Adding multiple auto-completes in a single page Due to the way I was referencing the AC object in the script it was impossible to change the name of the variable that received the object. So adding more than one was an impossible mission. Adapting the reference I made it possible to add multiple scripts, as in the example:

var AC = new dmsAutoComplete('string','acDiv'); AC.chooseFunc = function(id,label){ alert(id+'-'+label); }

var AC2 = new dmsAutoComplete('string2','acDiv2'); AC2.chooseFunc = function(id,label){ alert(id+'-'+label); }

Version 1.1 of the script is available in the same link as before:

If you would like to know more about the scripts history look here

If you happen to find the script useful and decide to use it in your solution please let me know, give me some feedback on the bugs, and let me know how it worked for you.

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