php|tek09: Day #3

The beeping alarm begun another exciting day at php|tek09.

My usual breakfast buddies were around once again for a great meal to start it out right. The first session was High performance APC with Brian Shire from Facebook, and it was really interesting to see the APC improvements and what is in their roadmap, influenced by Facebook and their needs, working as a boost for APC development, defintively gonna kick our testing server into apc mode to run some tests. Parallel to this session Sara Golemon gave a PHP 5.3 session.. and from what i hear, those slides are golden! go find them! (i’ll post a link if i find them myself)

Next up Derick gave us a lesson on the K.I.S.S principle giving us tips on making the user’s life easy and getting sites done right. Leading up to a session on good OOP practices by Stefan Priebsch that got everyone think of objects and more objectsm driving the point of performance X maintanability for OOP code.

Lunch was loads of fun with the excelent (and fun) company if TetraBoy, LOLCode extrodinare, Spoons and Itrebal. All of a sudden KITT drives around for Eli White’s Development Methodolody talk, with plenty o’tools and Knight Rider references, a great overall look of the dev process. Afterwards Lorna and Skoop gave us an introduction to communities and showed us some examples of how to get it working for us, a great inspirational talk for user group leaders or enthusiasts. The regular sessions finished up with Chris Cornutt’s great overview of 4 big frameworks and how they should affect you life, and what you get with each of them, a great comparison presentation for people still lost on which framework to use.

I quickly stepped out for a conference call with the Brazilian Microsoft representatives and our user group leaders. As for user groups and Microsoft’s role and intentions… it was a great talk and we definativelly have good things to wait for. Some things could have been left out of the meeting and make it much more useful and quick, but I still had to get out before it finished, to go help out in DragonBe’s User group round table, which was awesome and inspiring, and will be detailed in later posts and UG actions.

This conversation went on for very long, so i missed out on testfest and skipped right to retro-gaming nite, which i can say was awesome! Xbox, card games… these guys know how to have fun! And i got to thanka new friend for giving me his prize (I suck with names, but i will update this post with his name), and congratulate the winners of all games and the big XBox elite winner!

This day was incredible, but we still have one morning to go… and a Terry Chay keynote, so day #4 should be a blast!

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