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Productive Slacking
- October 18, 2019
Back in 2016 I joined Usabilla, just around the time we were evaluating our work chat solutions.
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Solving conflicts in composer.lock
- November 28, 2016
We have all been there: CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in composer.
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Land ho! New challenge ahead.
- June 30, 2016
A few months ago I posted about the situation at my former company and the uncertain future of our team.
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Code Reviews - Not just a quality tool
- May 17, 2016
I’m a big fan of Code Reviews, or Peer Reviews, within the work flow of a team.
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Need a Lead? Here's my story.
- April 5, 2016
After 2,5 years working with Symbid, our paths must now diverge.
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20 Years of PHP, and how I got on this train
- June 8, 2015
PHP, the most loved and hated language on the internet turns 20 today, 20 years ago Rasmus released Personal HomePages to the public , what happened next will blow you away™.
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Why I support "The League"
- March 10, 2015
There has been a lot of drama and press around it lately, but which does it really deserve?
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The AmsterdamPHP ElePHPant Project
- December 2, 2014
Eve r since I started building User Groups and getting involved in the PHP community I always had a dream of introducing a new color to the ElePHPant collection.
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Installing Composer Packages
- October 13, 2014
I have been putting together a new talk about Composer, and that means looking around the community, doing loads of research and trying to identify the items that need to be covered in a talk.
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J and Beyond 2014: An Overview
- June 3, 2014
The past weekend marked a very important moment for me. After almost a year on the sidelines dealing with personal matters, I finally had the opportunity to go talk to and teach another community.
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