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DMS\\Filter v2.0
- April 21, 2014
I have completed the release of the DMS\Filter Package, this includes:
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Using Git Hooks to delegate routine tasks
- November 15, 2013
My team currently uses GitHub as the center of our development process, taking full advantage of Pull Requests and all that.
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Meetup API Client v1.0.0
- March 29, 2013
I love APIs, but I honestly hate having to deal with signing, auth, and curl inside my controllers or services, which means I end up wrapping all of that into something that provides easy access in my controllers.
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Of Creating User Groups and Physics
- February 14, 2013
Note: This article was originally published on the october/2011 issue of php-architect .
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Mimicking TravisCI with Jenkins
- February 6, 2013
We are all awaiting the day when all of us can get TravisCI Pro and get all of that testing goodness into our private repositories right?
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We are all PHP Evangelists
- January 4, 2013
Note: This article was originally published on the april/2012 issue of php-architect .
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Being an Enabler
- December 19, 2012
When you look around at user groups you will notice that many groups have “leaders” or “managers”, this is usually the person who started the group and is not really calling the shots, but usually is giving direction to the group.
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The DMSTwigExtensionBundle
- November 30, 2012
When I started using Symfony one of the aspects that really caught my eye was Twig, it really got me back into using a template engine and I don’t think i can ever go back to mixing my HTML and PHP again.
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PHPNW12 - One Conference, so much good stuff
- October 10, 2012
This year I spent more time replying “I don’t know yet” to people who were asking if I was going to PHPNW12 then I did submitting to conferences.
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