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Deploying a Symfony2 and Composer app on PagodaBox
- April 16, 2012
I have been working on a little pet project and wanted to put it up somewhere to show to a few people how it was going.
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The IDEs of March
- March 15, 2012
Last Year, Chris Shiflett started the “Ideas of March” movement, and Jon Tangerine quickly coined the “Ides of March” twist and some people followed him.
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Book Review: The Art of Readable Code
- February 27, 2012
Lately I have been very involved with code quality, not just in terms of testing and actually working, but also on a deeper level, readability and plain good architecture.
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PHP Community: Of Leaders, conferences and Union
- February 24, 2012
Note: This article was originally published on the march/2011 issue of php-architect .
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DMS\\Filter Library 1.0.1 and Bundle
- February 2, 2012
The past weeks I finally had some time to invest in the DMS library again, so i got busy with a few things.
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PHP Benelux 2012 - Learning lessons
- January 31, 2012
After hearing about how great PHP Benelux Conferences were I finally made it over to Belgium to check it out, and i was impressed.
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Back to the Old Continent
- November 8, 2011
“Your life begins where your comfort zone ends” (@elizabethN’s mother )
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De volta ao Velho Continente
- November 8, 2011
“Your life begins where your comfort zone ends” (@elizabethN’s mother )
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Como escrever artigos técnicos (melhores) em 10 passos
- September 27, 2011
Blogs. A internet nos últimos anos tem visto o crescimento disparado destes sites, desde o desenvolvedor que escreve no finais de semana até o colunista que ganha para fazer isso.
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Filtering objects using annotations
- August 11, 2011
Filtering with Annotations PHP does not have native Annotations support, however many projects have been using doc blocks to add value and semantics to code, like PHPUnit, Doctrine and Symfony.
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