
PHP Security: Are you paying attention?

PHP Security: Are you paying attention?

  • September 29, 2009

Security is a recurring topic when the talk is about Technology, or any other area for that matter.

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PHPT: Writing tests for PHP

PHPT: Writing tests for PHP

  • August 23, 2009

This year the PHP Community promoted the PHPTestFest in various places around the globe and it was a success. I participated in the event promoted by the PHPSP UG which ended up as the team with the most committed tests, after participating in the event I kept on going and have since obtained a SVN account and karma to be a official test commiter to PHP. So if you did not get the chance to learn how to write tests in your local TestFest I will now go over the steps taken so you can be ready for next year.

PHPT is a extremely simple test framework designed to test PHP. Its atomic nature and independent test execution make it perfect for the kind of tests needed, so tests can be really focused and test specific function and/or bugs.

What do I need to know?

The beauty about PHPT is that you need to know very little other than writing PHP code. A little knowledge into the inner workings of PHP will of course help you in finding areas of code that need testing, and how best to test them, but just knowing PHP is enough to start.

I have divided this post into 5 parts so we can get started:

  1. Preparing the Environment
  2. Choosing what to test
  3. Writing a test
  4. Executing a test
  5. Submitting a test to PHP

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Escrevendo testes com PHPT e contribuindo com o PHP

Escrevendo testes com PHPT e contribuindo com o PHP

  • August 19, 2009

Este ano esteve em destaque a PHPTestFest09, sendo realizada em vários cantos do mundo e destacando-se a participação do PHPSP que contribuiu com o maior número de testes. Ficou de fora? Então já comece a se preparar para ano que vem.

O PHPT é um framework extremamente simples de testes criado e usado internamente pelos desenvolvedores do core. Ele é extremamente atômico e centrado em testes como os que esperamos do PHP, como testar funções e bugs específicos.

O que preciso saber?

A grande vantagem do PHPT é que para poder escrever um teste, tudo que você precisa saber é: como escrever código PHP. Claro que um pouco de conhecimento interno do funcionamento do PHP vai te ajudar a procurar detalhes para testar, mas sabendo escrever PHP você já pode contribuir com uma grande percentagem dos testes que precisamos.

Vamos então atacar por partes:

  1. Preparando o ambiente
  2. Escolhendo um teste
  3. Escrevendo um teste
  4. Rodando um teste
  5. Enviando seu teste para o PHP

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Book Review: Guide to Date and Time Programming

Book Review: Guide to Date and Time Programming

  • July 6, 2009

This review has been pending for a while, but recently I finished reading Derick Rethans’ book: Date and Time Programming.

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SPL: a hidden gem

SPL: a hidden gem

  • June 3, 2009

By a show of hands, how many people here ever heard of SPL?

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php|tek 2009: The community in action

php|tek 2009: The community in action

  • June 1, 2009

This year I was abel to attended the 2009 php|tek conference in Chicago.

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php|tek09 Day #4

php|tek09 Day #4

  • May 25, 2009

And so comes the final day of the 2009 php|tek conference.

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php|tek09: Day #3

php|tek09: Day #3

  • May 22, 2009

The beeping alarm begun another exciting day at php|tek09. My usual breakfast buddies were around once again for a great meal to start it out right.

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php|tek09: Day #2

php|tek09: Day #2

  • May 21, 2009

Ok, i might be a little “DUI” as I write this, but bear with me, i can get it done.

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php|tek09: Day #1

php|tek09: Day #1

  • May 20, 2009

Tutorial day at php|tek! The day begun with a PHP Breakfast, where I met guys like Matthew Weier O’Phinney and saw the guys from yesterday as well.

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