“Writing code that lasts” … or writing code you won’t hate tomorrow.
- April 8, 2017
As developers we write code everyday, only to frown at it a week after that.
Read MoreComposer the right way
- June 27, 2015
Composer has triggered a renaissance in the PHP community, it has changed the way we deal with other people’s code and it has changed the way we share our code.
Read MoreComposer The Right Way
- June 12, 2015
Composer has triggered a renaissance in the PHP community, it has changed the way we deal with other people’s code and it has changed the way we share our code.
Read MoreComposer The Right Way
- May 30, 2015
Composer has triggered a renaissance in the PHP community, it has changed the way we deal with other people’s code and it has changed the way we share our code.
Read MoreComposer the right way
- February 6, 2015
Composer has triggered a renaissance in the PHP community, it has changed the way we deal with other people’s code and it has changed the way we share our code.
Read MoreComposer the right way
- November 13, 2014
Composer has triggered a renaissance in the PHP community, it has changed the way we deal with other people’s code and it has changed the way we share our code.
Read MorePHP Annotations: They exist!
- June 11, 2014
Annotations are more than PHPDoc comments, they’re a fully-featured way of including additional information alongside your code.
Read MoreWriting code that lasts
- May 30, 2014
As developers we write code everyday, only to frown at it a week after that.
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