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“Writing code that lasts” … or writing code you won’t hate tomorrow.
- May 28, 2016
As developers we write code everyday, only to frown at it a week after that.
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Composer the Right Way
- May 13, 2016
Composer has triggered a renaissance in the PHP community, it has changed the way we deal with other people’s code and it has changed the way we share our code.
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Composer The Right Way
- April 14, 2016
Composer has triggered a renaissance in the PHP community, it has changed the way we deal with other people’s code and it has changed the way we share our code.
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A Journey into your Lizard Brain
- March 20, 2016
Languages and syntax are the easy part of programming, the real challenge is in knowing how to solve a problem and how to find and understand which paths can take you to the solution, the moving parts.
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Composer the Right Way
- January 30, 2016
Composer has triggered a renaissance in the PHP community, it has changed the way we deal with other people’s code and it has changed the way we share our code.
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“Writing code that lasts” … or writing code you won’t hate tomorrow.
- January 29, 2016
As developers we write code everyday, only to frown at it a week after that.
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A Journey into your Lizard Brain
- December 4, 2015
Languages and syntax are the easy part of programming, the real challenge is in knowing how to solve a problem and how to find and understand which paths can take you to the solution, the moving parts.
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“Writing code that lasts” … or writing code you won’t hate tomorrow.
- November 24, 2015
As developers we write code everyday, only to frown at it a week after that.
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“Writing code that lasts” … or writing code you won’t hate tomorrow.
- October 26, 2015
As developers we write code everyday, only to frown at it a week after that.
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“Writing code that lasts” … or writing code you won’t hate tomorrow.
- October 6, 2015
As developers we write code everyday, only to frown at it a week after that.
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Journey into your Lizard Brain
- October 2, 2015
Languages and syntax are the easy part of programming, the real challenge is in knowing how to solve a problem and how to find and understand which paths can take you to the solution, the moving parts.
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Composer The Right Way
- October 1, 2015
Composer has triggered a renaissance in the PHP community, it has changed the way we deal with other people’s code and it has changed the way we share our code.
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Composer the right way
- September 24, 2015
Composer has triggered a renaissance in the PHP community, it has changed the way we deal with other people’s code and it has changed the way we share our code.
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Composer the right way
- August 19, 2015
Composer has triggered a renaissance in the PHP community, it has changed the way we deal with other people’s code and it has changed the way we share our code.
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Composer the right way
- July 18, 2015
Composer has triggered a renaissance in the PHP community, it has changed the way we deal with other people’s code and it has changed the way we share our code.
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A journey into your Lizard Brain
- June 27, 2015
Languages and syntax are the easy part of programming, the real challenge is in knowing how to solve a problem and how to find and understand which paths can take you to the solution, the moving parts.
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Composer the right way
- June 27, 2015
Composer has triggered a renaissance in the PHP community, it has changed the way we deal with other people’s code and it has changed the way we share our code.
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A journey into your Lizard Brain
- June 26, 2015
Languages and syntax are the easy part of programming, the real challenge is in knowing how to solve a problem and how to find and understand which paths can take you to the solution, the moving parts.
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Composer The Right Way
- June 12, 2015
Composer has triggered a renaissance in the PHP community, it has changed the way we deal with other people’s code and it has changed the way we share our code.
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Composer The Right Way
- May 30, 2015
Composer has triggered a renaissance in the PHP community, it has changed the way we deal with other people’s code and it has changed the way we share our code.
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In Numbers
public talks
years experience