
Your code sucks, let's fix it

Your code sucks, let's fix it

  • December 3, 2012

Performance and testing are just one aspect of code, to really be successful your code needs to be readable, maintainable and generally easier to comprehend and work with.

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Annotating with Annotations

Annotating with Annotations

  • November 3, 2012

Annotations are more than phpdoc comments, they’re a fully-featured way of including additional information alongside your code.

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Your code sucks, let's fix it

Your code sucks, let's fix it

  • November 2, 2012

Performance and testing are just one aspect of code, to really be successful your code needs to be readable, maintainable and generally easier to comprehend and work with.

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Composer, putting dependencies on the score

Composer, putting dependencies on the score

  • October 6, 2012

As PHP projects grow and mature so does their list of dependencies and third party code.

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Treading the PHPath

Treading the PHPath

  • September 15, 2012

If you are a great developer, its no use unless other people know this as well.

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Composer, putting dependencies on the score

Composer, putting dependencies on the score

  • September 2, 2012

As PHP projects grow and mature so does their list of dependencies and third party code.

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Your code sucks, let's fix it

Your code sucks, let's fix it

  • September 2, 2012

How do you measure the quality of your code? Performance and testing are just one aspect of code, in order to meet deadlines and make maintenance quicker you also need your code to be readable, decoupled and generally easier to comprehend and work with.

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Annotating with Annotations

Annotating with Annotations

  • June 19, 2012

What exactly are annotations? How can they change the way you code and make life simpler?

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Annotating with Annotations

Annotating with Annotations

  • June 8, 2012

What exactly are annotations? How can they change the way you code and make life simpler?

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Your code sucks, let's fix it

Your code sucks, let's fix it

  • June 8, 2012

How do you measure the quality of your code? Performance and testing are just one aspect of code, in order to meet deadlines and make maintenance quicker you also need your code to be readable, decoupled and generally easier to comprehend and work with.

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Annotating with Annotations

Annotating with Annotations

  • June 5, 2012

What exactly are annotations? How can they change the way you code and make life simpler?

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You code sucks, let's fix it

You code sucks, let's fix it

  • February 28, 2012

How do you measure the quality of your code? Performance and testing are just one aspect of code, in order to meet deadlines and make maintenance quicker you also need your code to be readable, decoupled and generally easier to comprehend and work with.

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Trilhando o caminho PHP 2.5

Trilhando o caminho PHP 2.5

  • December 2, 2011

Construir uma carreira nunca é uma tarefa fácil e cada caminho tem suas trilhas e atalhos.

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Trilhando o caminho PHP

Trilhando o caminho PHP

  • August 23, 2011

Construir uma carreira nunca é uma tarefa fácil e cada caminho tem suas trilhas e atalhos.

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E no sétimo dia ele escreveu testes

E no sétimo dia ele escreveu testes

  • July 9, 2011

Testes e o TDD estão se tornando uma parte muito importante do nosso dia a dia como desenvolvedores.

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Open a Window, see the clouds

Open a Window, see the clouds

  • July 9, 2011

Sua aplicação esta pronta para decolar na nuvem? O que significa isso?

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Open a window, see the clouds

Open a window, see the clouds

  • May 25, 2011

Is your application ready to take off into the cloud? What does this mean?

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Trilhando o Caminho PHP 2.0

Trilhando o Caminho PHP 2.0

  • January 18, 2011

Construir uma carreira nunca é uma tarefa fácil e cada caminho tem suas trilhas e atalhos.

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In Numbers


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